Procedure for New Memberships, Service Connections, and the Lottery


At its August Board meeting, the RMDWC Board will determine the number of new Memberships and water service connections to offer for installation the following spring/summer, and the amount of the one-time Membership fee.


This will be posted on the Company’s website


The announcement will specify how to obtain an application; the deadline for receipt of applications (Nov. 15), and eligibility standards.

New Membership Process

50% Deposit Required with Application


A deposit of 50% of the Membership fee is due with the application; the balance is due upon successful award of Membership to the applicant.

Applications will be Reviewed


Board and staff will review applications and determine which ones qualify for potential new Membership.  If there are more qualifying applications than the number of available Memberships, then a lottery will be announced.  The drawing will be held at the annual Membership meeting in January.

Deposits will be Returned if Unsuccessful


The deposits will be returned in full to any unsuccessful applicants who are not drawn in the lottery.

A Monthly Service Charge will be Required


The monthly service charge is paid in advance, runs from the date of service connection installation.

We will Install your Service Connection


The Company will install the service connection to the meter.  The new Member is responsible for reimbursing the Company for this cost which is due upon completion of meter installation.

Lottery Rules


Random drawing

A random drawing will be conducted at the annual meeting.

One chance per first-time applicant

Each first-time applicant will get one initial chance in the lottery.

Unsuccessful Applicants

Any unsuccessful applicant may apply the next consecutive time that new taps are offered, and if a lottery is conducted, will receive geometrically increasing numbers of chances as follows: 2 chances the second time; 4 chances the third time; 16 chances the fourth time, etc. The applications must be consecutive.

Results Announced

Results of the drawing will be announced at the annual meeting.

Applicants will then be ranked in order

All applications will be drawn and ranked in the order they are drawn. If a successful applicant fails to complete the tap installation, remaining applicants will move up in the rankings.