Behind the scenes... making water look easy
Rogers Mesa Domestic Water Company
Due to a computer problem, it was necessary to change the company (Diane's) email address. The new email is .
The Board of Directors has decided to offer two new taps for 2024. Go to the "Become a Member" page to see the process and application. Application due by the end of November.
A not-for-profit, company serving approximately 370 families on Rogers Mesa, just West of Hotchkiss, Delta County, Colorado.
Clean Water
Our water comes from snow-melt collected in reservoirs in the Leroux Creek headwaters on the flank of Grand Mesa.
Locally Processed
Our water is processed at the Town of Hotchkiss water treatment facility in which RMDWC is a financial partner.
Carefully maintained
We maintain 26 miles of distribution pipe, a pump station, a 150,000 gallon storage tank, and a maintenance barn.
Information & Resources
Our Mission
Ever mindful of the foresight and generosity of the farmers and ranchers of Rogers Mesa who donated valuable shares of irrigation water to endow Rogers Mesa Domestic Water Company, it is the mission of RMDWC to:
Be careful stewards of the resources and assets of the Company
Provide our members with safe, reliable, and sufficient domestic water at reasonable rates
Be a constructive member of the Rogers Mesa community by supporting the traditional agricultural economy, human health and wellbeing, and existing rural lifestyle
Map of Area Served on Rogers Mesa
This map shows the approximate boundaries of our service area. There are residences within this boundary that are not or can not be served by our system. Please direct questions about service to a specific property to our staff.
A Recent Repair...
Many, many thanks to our Emergency Response Team of Supervisor Jim Firor, Certified Operator Cassandra Shenk, RMDWC Vice President Paul Schmucker, and backhoe (and shovel) operator John Odle. An extra special thanks to neighbor Enos Ruble (and his friend Roger) who brought in his track hoe when it became apparent bigger equipment was needed. The pipe was hard to find and the hole was deep and muddy but the dedicated crew persevered to restore water to our J Road neighbors.