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Rogers Mesa Domestic Water Company
Quarterly Member Newsletter
June, 2016


Questions about water quality?  There’s been a lot of attention lately in other parts of the country about the quality of the water coming out of water taps.  From Flint, MI, to communities in the West impacted by fossil fuel extraction, people have begun looking at the water in their glass a little differently.  We can be grateful that our water comes from the nearly pristine headwaters of Leroux Creek and, before it enters our distribution system, is processed in the Town of Hotchkiss water treatment plant.  We are also fortunate that frequent water quality monitoring, including for lead, is conducted by our staff and reviewed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.  We are very conscious that every time you drink a glass of water provided by RMDWC, you are expressing your trust in us to continually strive to provide you the highest quality water of which we are capable.  Thank you!


Maintenance and modernization.  Your water company is moving ahead with projects to enhance reliability and longevity of our water system:

  • Upgrade of the crucial telemetry link between our 3100 Road storage tank and our pump station on 3200 Road;
  • Installation of master meters to help us locate leaks more efficiently;
  • Periodic professional inspection of our 3100 Road storage tank;
  • Re allocation of our financial reserves to higher-yielding, insured investments.


A reminder.  As this letter is reaching you along with your quarterly bill, we take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of paying your bill on time.  We acknowledge that our quarterly billing cycle can result in budgeting challenges and, in due time, we would like to transition to monthly billing.  In the mean time, we try, as much as possible, to be flexible and lenient in our collection efforts.

We hate to deny water service to anybody who may be in a temporary difficulty.  For one thing, the $50 reinstatement fee doesn’t cover our costs if we have to turn a service off and on again.  We are willing to work with you on a payment plan if you make arrangements in advance.  Please call Diane at: (970) 424-2250.

There are a few customers who rent their home from a member and who frequently push the limits of our patience.  We remind you that it is the member / landlord who is responsible for payment.  If the tenant is chronically late to pay we may insist that the member pay the bill.

We also reiterate that, regardless of who pays the bill, we NEED to have contact information for the party occupying the residence so we can notify them in the event of a service outage or contamination event.  Please be sure we have this information.
