Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my water brown?

Occasionally there will be a noticeable brown-ish color to our water. This condition is usually the result of sudden changes in pressure or flow rate in our pipes. Because our water comes to us from surface sources, it naturally carries dissolved tannins in amounts too tiny to be removed in the treatment plant. These tannins are analogous to tea and pose no health threat. They are chemically attracted to the walls of our pipes where they accumulate until they are dislodged. Purging this build-up is one reason we flush our pipes annually. Other factors that can cause changes in the pressure of our pipes includes: use of our hydrants for fire fighting and large leaks or pipe breaks.

Why is my water bubbly?

You may sometimes notice tiny bubbles in your water, turning it a gray-ish color. The cause of this may be air that has been introduced to the system during a leak repair. We do our best to minimize any such effect by recharging the system slowly after any repair and allowing air to escape.

Why does my bill show a “Membership Fee” instead of water charge?

RMDWC is a member-owned, not-for-profit company. Each membership is entitled to a water service connection to our distribution system and pays its share of the cost of running the company and providing water. The Board decides the amount of water each member is entitled to and the cost. The entitlement and cost is structured as a membership fee to emphasize that we are a collective, cooperative company providing a service to our members. We are not a public utility.

Can I sell my water tap?

The short answer is “No”. The water service connection remains the property of RMDWC and cannot be sold. However, if the property to which the service is attached is sold, RMDWC will re-issue a Membership to the new owners with minimal hassle and expense.