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Rogers Mesa Domestic Water Company
Quarterly Member Newsletter
December 2017

2018 Membership Meeting Notice: Our annual Membership Meeting will be held January 8, 2018 at 2:00 PM at the Rogers Mesa Community House. Please plan to attend. If you can’t attend you may submit your proxy (enclosed) to RMDWC Board President or to an individual of your choice who will be attending.

Your current water bill: Beginning with this bill the quarterly Membership Fee ($105) will be billed monthly at $35 per month. We hope this will make it easier for members to budget. We will continue to read meters quarterly and you will still be entitled to 18,000 gallons per quarter. Overages will be billed in the December, March, June, and September bills.

Future bills: We are going to a more automated billing system. Beginning in January your bill will be on a quarter-sheet postcard, similar to what most towns now use. We trust this will save money to off-set the additional cost of billing monthly. When it is fully operational our new system will enable payment by credit card and other electronic means.

Staff transitions: Our highly-valued management and maintenance team of Cassandra and Troy Shenk are transitioning to other pursuits. We are sad to lose their dedication and skills which have helped make our water supply safe, reliable, and efficient. We are pleased that the team of Diane Perry (our administrative staff) and Jim Firor (long Troy’s assistant on emergency and maintenance calls) are stepping-in to fulfill many for Cassandra and Troy’s duties. Cassandra and Troy will remain on-call during this transition period.

Job Announcement: Cassandra is designated RMDWC’s “Certified Water Operator” who is certified to take water samples, have them tested, and maintain our regulatory compliance. This is a critical and necessary function. She will continue in that role until we have a qualified person to replace her. We would be pleased to fill that position from among our Rogers Mesa community. If anyone reading this would like to explore this opportunity or would like to refer someone, please do so by calling Wink Davis (970-250-4788) or Diane Perry (970-424-2250).

The certification involves training and successfully passing a rigorous exam. RMDWC will pay expenses incurred in relation to this. The position requires consistent, timely, and reliable completion of water sampling and follow-through to assure RMDWC remains in compliance.

Web site: We have begun work on a web site and hope to be able to unveil it at the January meeting. This will provide you with access to announcements and information about your water company. It will also enable us to send out alerts of water outages and announcements of maintenance activities which may affect your water. Please provide us with your email address to make this new system work for you.

Reminder: Due to difficulties, particularly with turnover and collections, that we experience with tenants, the Board has decided that Landlords (our Members) are primarily responsible for payment of bills. We may make rare exceptions, if requested. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.